1 min read

Why Successful Business Owners Seek Out This #1 Necessity

This episode dives in the challenges of solopreneurship and the pitfalls of trying to do everything on your own–and where that often leads you.


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"You’re not asking for someone to make your decisions for you, you’re saying 'I need more information than I can get on my own.'" When you become a successful business owner, you'll find you need unique perspectives more than ever because your decisions are more important than ever.

Key Takeaways:

  • Why success and loneliness often go together
  • How to make decisions that don't leave your business or family in a bad place
  • Why do successful business owners look for deeper relationships?
  • How to shorten the learning curve on running a successful business

Through personal stories, we reveal the struggles of feeling alone despite being surrounded by money and success, and how finding a community of understanding peers can offer much-needed perspective and actionable advice.

Leadership isn't just about making decisions, it's about how important those decisions turn out to be when one is poorly made. We discuss the challenges of solopreneurship and the pitfalls of trying to do everything on your own–and where that often leads you.

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