Let's think strategically how we can go about living a better life. I’m not a big health guy you know, what I’m saying, I mean, don't take that wrong, I want to be in good health but what I mean is I'm not your seven-day-a-week workout guy, who watches every single bite I put in my mouth. I’m not that kind of guy but I do want to be in great shape. I do want to take care of myself and praise God I'm healthy! I want to encourage you not to be that guy that just goes nutso and gets rid of everything in exercises seven days a week and you'll burn out. You all hold that pace. You just won't do it but getting an accountability partner - - - somebody that will help you and train you and teach you to live a balanced life. A life that is pleasing to you and to your family. God gave you one body. When it's gone it's gone and we need to take care of it.