Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

When Was The Last Time You Told Your Children That You Are Proud Of Them?

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 13, 2017 6:00:00 AM

Yesterday, we had ten couples at our house and we sat around talking about various topics related to the passage of the day. One of our conversations came up about confidence and self esteem. One of the ladies, 55 years old, sat there in tears and she said, you what? My dad always expected me to be perfect and because of that, today my self esteem is low.

Are you the same kind of parent? Would you like your children to say the same thing when they reach 55 years old? When was the last time you told your children you're proud of them? This is just one the things you can do RIGHT NOW.

Watch the video and listen to more tips on how not to be the same kind of parent of that 55 year old lady.



Topics: Family, Parenting


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