Brian Mininger has worked in construction for the last 20 years. He began his career managing volunteer work crews for Habitat for Humanity. Brian is the father of four teenage daughters and regularly encourages them to go on mission trips. This is because Brian was personally transformed from a very impactful mission trip during his late teenage years. He was able to see firsthand why God always delivers.
Highlights from This Episode:
● When was the last time Brain experienced joy?
● As a dad, how does Brain teach spiritual values to his kids?
● Brian went on a mission trip in ’94 and was transformed by that experience.
● Why did Brian start Bear Creek Enterprises?
● What has Brian been the most proud of since starting his company?
● What is Brian obsessed with right now?
● Daniel shares 3 quick stories about the Atlanta Braves.
● What kinds of routines or systems help Brain throughout the day?
● Brian discusses some of the most unexpected benefits about joining Iron Sharpens Iron.
● What tips or advice does Brian have to create better relationships?
Click HERE to listen to the full episode.